Assistant Headteacher

Thank you for your interest in the role of Assistant Headteacher at Chilwell Croft Academy. At Chilwell we strive to provide outstanding, broad educational experiences for our children to support them to be the best that they can be in their learning journeys. We are ambitious for their development, for their academic progress, their growth as young people and for their preparation for the following stages of their education.
Our ambition is made possible by the commitment and quality of the staff that work for Chilwell and the Equitas Trust. We believe in the development and empowerment of our staff in order to offer high quality experiences to our pupils whilst ensuring they are nurtured and supported in a positive environment. We trust our staff to respond to the educational needs of our children by enabling their initiatives and developing their own professional skills.
Having secured our Ofsted Good rating, we seek now to develop our strategic leadership team to move the school further forward. These are exciting times for our school. Benefitting from positive staff members supported by an understanding and motivational Trust Board we seek creative and innovative solutions to any barriers our children may have to being the best they can be.
Sitting in the heart of Birmingham we are a two – form entry school enriched by the families within the community that we serve. The role of Assistant Headteacher is key to the success of the school. The Assistant Headteacher will be instrumental in driving the raising of achievement and outcomes across the school with a particular focus on Key Stage 2 outcomes. They will play a significant role in the leadership and management of the school and will lead on areas of the development plan as specified by the Headteacher.
I look forward to meeting you during a tour of our school so that we can expand on this Assistant Headteacher role and the opportunities that it brings for yourself and the community that we serve. Please contact Will Bridge at Academicis on 07825346535 or via email at to have a confidential conversation and to find out more about this excellent opportunity.