We are looking to appoint an Assistant Headteacher – Director of English. The purpose of the job will be:
• To provide professional leadership and management for the faculty in order to secure high quality teaching, effective use of resources and improved standards of learning and attainment for all pupils.
For the right candidate, who is ambitious, a place on the South West 100 Programme will be offered. This is an exciting leadership opportunity, for 100 people next year, to develop them into Headship within 3 years. It includes intensive coaching, training and an exciting trip to America to visit schools. Find out more here: https://www.reachtraining.org/sw100/
All Saints Academy is school in the heart of Plymouth. We are a small school and have 650 students on roll (full capacity). We value our staff and do this by having sensible policies and clear systems in place, such as:
• We do not expect staff to write endless feedback to students. We do not do WWW or EBI but instead have a fast whole class feedback approach and live marking.
• We do not expect you to set homework. This is already planned and set for you with our ‘Need to Know’ Booklets.
• You will not be expected to attend pointless meetings. We value CPD time and to that extent have weekly department and whole staff CPD.
• We do not grade lessons or have formal observations. Instead we invest in incremental coaching, where all staff have a trained coach to watch parts of a lesson and feedback. You will get more out of this than any formal observation or training course.
• We value our future leaders and, along with the Ted Wragg Multi-Academy Trust, we invest in the talent development of our staff.
• Your lessons won’t be disrupted by poor behaviour as we have a place where students go if they can’t focus in your lesson.