Primary Headteacher

Thank you for your interest in the role of Headteacher at Windmill L.E.A.D. Academy.
I am extremely proud to be the retiring Headteacher of Windmill – a vibrant, positive learning community. It is a privilege to work with such enthusiastic, respectful children, supportive families, and a highly committed staff team. Together, our aim is to be the best learning community we can be and to inspire children to learn and be curious about the world around them. This will enable them to embrace new opportunities and have high aspirations to shape their futures, whilst also becoming responsible citizens.
The school building is situated in an area of significant complex challenges, but we have worked hard to create a safe, inviting, and aspirational environment. Originally, a Victorian School, we have also been lucky enough to have a recent modern extension to provide further offices and meeting rooms. The children of Windmill are delightful, making our school a happy, welcoming, and vibrant place to work which is well-resourced.
In a school where we currently have 39 languages spoken by staff and students, the wonderful global dimension of our community saturates our school culture and curriculum. We pride ourselves on our inclusion and diversity.
Our last OFSTED inspection (2019) resulted in a “Good” grading which we have continued to build upon and we constantly strive to be outstanding because that is what our children deserve. The school therefore needs a Headteacher who can maintain the rich climate and culture that the school has and continue to develop a strategic vision and commitment to raising standards to take the school forward, so that every child has access to high quality teaching and outcomes.
We believe in high quality continuing professional development and that it is the cornerstone to ensuring that we fulfil our vision of ‘Inspiring Minds, Shaping Futures’. It is through the development of teaching and learning that children will be inspired to learn and in turn this will shape their futures. At Windmill, we all see ourselves as lifelong learners, we actively collaborate in action research projects and use research to inform our practice. As a Headteacher, within the Trust, you also have access to high quality professional development and a wealth of support from the Trust School Director for Nottingham and amongst the Nottingham Hub headteachers.
At school, we encourage leaders to develop their skills to become Leaders in Excellence and work across schools in the L.E.A.D. Teaching School Hub. We have Leaders of Excellence in mathematics, reading, subject leadership and special educational needs and disabilities as well as the headteacher engaging in work for the L.E.A.D. Teaching School Hub. Through deepening our own professional knowledge to support other schools, we also bring back new insights that can help us further develop our own provision. However, Windmill is very much a place to learn whatever your role and we consider everyone to be leaders in their roles and in their own learning.
The school is fortunate to have a strong and supportive governing body, who share our commitment to further strengthen teaching and learning and ensure that all children to reach their full potential.
We are also proud to have been awarded the ‘Investors in People’ Gold award, a testament to how well we work together as a team, have strong common values and shared goals.
Applications are invited from those with previous headteacher experience and would encourage you to visit the school to meet our children and staff.
Closing date: Noon Monday 18th March 2024
Shortlisting date: Tuesday 19th March 2024
Interview dates: Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th March 2024.